My list of Mobile Apps

I notice that many people have difficulty finding great apps for their mobile. So I thought it might be nice to share my list of apps with you and ask some of my friends to do the same. ;-).

Bytheway these are apps I really use. I recently refreshed the list with my firmware upgrade of the N95. Apps that I removed: Fring, Nimbuzz, Astronaut, MGmaps, Kaywa, Truvo, MyStrands, Bluepulse, Nokia Conversations and many more i can’t remember.


Google Maps





Nokia Barcodereader



Flash lite3 beta


Python(to run the Invisibles project)

Nokia webserver


I would like to ask a couple of people to share their favourite apps:

1. Marc Fonteijn

2. Rudy de Waele

3. Michiel Berger

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4 Responses to My list of Mobile Apps

  1. Pingback: My list of Mobile Apps <

  2. Sam D says:

    I actually just recently added fring, and it’s working great, not getting ri of it anytime soon!

  3. Raimo says:

    Hi Sam,

    Somehow I didn’t like the interface. Now giving Gizmo and iSkoot a try.. Only part is Gtalk. End of the week I will have a N810 and all my problems will dissappear.. 😉

  4. Dude says:

    Try ebuddy mobile at They have a superb j2me app.

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